Are there any good software tools available to optimize my PC performance?

1. Uninstall any unnecessary programs that you don’t need. Go to Settings > Apps and uninstall any programs that you don’t need or recognize.

2. Clean up your hard drive. Use a free tool like CCleaner to delete junk files, empty the Recycle Bin and optimize your hard drive.

3. Defragment your hard drive. Windows has a built-in disk defragmenter that you can run to reorganize the data on your hard drive which can also help improve performance.

4. Disable startup programs. Many programs load when your computer starts up and can slow down its performance. Go to Task Manager to view and disable any programs that don’t need to start automatically.

5. Update your system drivers. Outdated drivers can lead to performance issues. Use Device Manager to check for updates.

6. Scan for malware. Use an antivirus program to perform a full scan of your system and remove any malicious software.

7. Adjust your power settings. If you’re using a laptop, you can adjust your power settings to maximize battery life, but if you’re using a desktop you can set it to high performance mode to get the most out of your hardware.