BMW M Power HD Wallpapers | Background Images | Photos | Pictures

BMW M Power HD Wallpapers | Background Images | Photos | Pictures

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How to download the wallpaper?

  • Click on the image you want to download and right click to save.

How to apply the wallpaper on PC?

  • You need to download our imDesktop software which gives users the ability to integrate our collected HD images as your personal computer desktop wallpaper. If you have already done this – just download the images. If you still do not have our app, click HERE or go to our home page in order to download the necessary program.

More Details:

  • BMW M GmbH (previously: BMW Motorsport GmbH) is a subsidiary of German car manufacturer BMW AG.

    BMW M, “M” (for Motorsport) was initially created to facilitate BMW’s racing program, which was very successful in the 1960s and 1970s. As time passed, BMW M began to supplement BMW’s vehicles portfolio with specially modified higher trim models, for which they are now most known by the general public. These M-badged cars traditionally include modified engines, transmissions, suspensions, interior trims, aerodynamics, and exterior modifications to set them apart from their counterparts. All M models are tested and tuned at BMW’s private facility at the Nürburgring racing circuit in Germany. BMW M also remains the only performance based company to cater motorcycles at the same time, specifically the BMW S1000RR.