Ferrari F60 America Wallpapers

Ferrari F60 America HD Wallpapers | Background Images | Photos | Pictures

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How to download the wallpaper?

  • Click on the image you want to download and right click to save.

How to apply the wallpaper on PC?

  • You need to download our imDesktop software which gives users the ability to integrate our collected HD images as your personal computer desktop wallpaper. If you have already done this – just download the images. If you still do not have our app, click HERE or go to our home page in order to download the necessary program.

More Details:

  • The Ferrari F60 is a Formula One motor racing car, which Scuderia Ferrari used to compete in the 2009 Formula One season. The car was unveiled on 12 January 2009.
    Designer(s):Aldo Costa; Nicholas Tombazis
    Chassis:carbon-fibre and honeycomb composite monocoque
    Engine:Ferrari Type 056 2398cc V8 (90°) 18,000 RPM-Limited with KERS Mid engine rear wheel drive