How do I access the Security Settings through the Control Panel?

To access the Security Settings through the Control Panel, please follow the steps below.

1. Click on the Start button in the bottom left corner of the desktop.

2. In the Start Menu, select the Control Panel option.

3. In the Control Panel, select the System and Security option.

4. Under the heading “Security”, click on the “Change settings” button. This will open the Windows Security Settings window.

5. On the left side of the Windows Security Settings window, you will find a list of security options. These include Network Security, User Account Control Settings, Windows Defender, Firewall, Windows Update, Internet Options, and other security settings.

6. To change any of these settings, simply click on the option you would like to edit.

7. When you make changes to the security settings, you will be asked to confirm that the changes are correct before they are applied.

8. After the changes have been made, click the “OK” or “Apply” button to save the changes.

9. After all of your changes have been applied, click the “OK” or “Done” button to close the Windows Security Settings window.