How do I add or remove applications in Windows 11?

Adding Applications in Windows 11

1. Open the Start menu.
Click the Start icon (or press the Windows Key on your keyboard) to open the Start menu.

2. Search for the application you want to install.
Type in the name of the application you wish to install and press Enter.

3. Select the application you want to install.
Choose the appropriate application from the list of results.

4. Begin the installation process.
Click the “Install” button to begin installing the application. Follow any on-screen instructions that may appear.

Removing Applications in Windows 11

1. Open the Start menu.
Click the Start icon (or press the Windows Key on your keyboard) to open the Start menu.

2. Open the “Settings” section.
Select the “Settings” option from the Start menu.

3. Select the “Apps” option.
Click the “Apps” option in the Settings menu.

4. Find the app you wish to remove.
Scroll through the list of installed applications until you find the one you wish to remove.

5. Uninstall the app.
Click the “Uninstall” button next to the app you wish to remove. You will be prompted to confirm your choice.