What is the use of Registry?

The Windows Registry is a database of settings for virtually all hardware, software and user preferences on a Windows system. It provides a unified and centralized storage space for all the information related to the configuration of installed applications, operating system settings and users profiles. Without the Registry, the operating system would not be able to remember the various settings used by different programs and users.

The Windows Registry is organized into five main sections, known as hives. These are: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, and HKEY_DYN_DATA. Each hive contains subkeys, values, and data.

The Registry is generally used to store information about the system configuration, such as the location of the hard drive partitions, installed hardware devices, system settings, user preferences, and much more. In addition, some applications store information in the Registry in order to customize their behavior or to speed up loading times. For example, some applications may store the positions of their windows in the Registry, so they can open in the same positions the next time they are launched.

The Registry also contains information about drivers, services, and applications. This information can be used for troubleshooting purposes. Additionally, Registry keys and values can be used to configure certain aspects of Windows and its applications. By modifying these settings, users can customize Windows and applications to work the way they want them to.

While the Registry contains a large amount of information and is useful for performing tasks that couldn’t be done any other way, it can also be dangerous. Incorrectly changing the settings in the Registry can cause Windows and applications to malfunction or crash. Therefore, it is important to back up the Registry before making any changes. In addition, many third-party software applications and utilities encourage users to create a backup of the Registry before making any changes.