What should I do if my monitor isn’t working?

If your monitor isn’t working correctly, there are several steps you can take to try to remedy the issue.

Check the power cord and outlets

The first step is to make sure that the power cord is securely plugged into both the computer and the monitor. Next, check the outlets and make sure they are providing power. If the outlets seem to be functioning properly, check the power cord for any signs of damage or fraying. If the cord appears to be in good condition, try using the power cable with a different device to rule out any problems with the cord itself.

Check the video cable

Next, check the video cable that connects the monitor to the computer. Make sure it is securely connected at both ends and look for any signs of damage, such as fraying or bends. Additionally, check the ports on the computer and monitor to ensure they are free of dust and debris. If the cable appears to be in good condition, try using a different video cable to rule out any issues with the cable itself.

Adjust the settings

If the monitor is still not working, adjust the settings on the display. This can often resolve the issue. Check the settings for brightness, contrast, color and resolution. Also, check to make sure the correct display output is selected in the graphics driver settings.

Restart the computer

If adjusting the settings does not fix the issue, restart the computer and try again. This can often solve the problem and get the monitor working properly.

Check for updates

If the issue persists, check for updates for the graphics drivers, Windows, and the monitor itself. Sometimes older versions of software can cause compatibility issues and updating them can fix the problem.

Check hardware components

If all else fails, it is time to check the hardware components of the computer and monitor. Make sure that all components related to the monitor—the graphics card and any additional cards, cables, and adapters—are securely connected and functioning properly.

Check the warranty

If the issue is still unresolved, it is time to check the manufacturer’s warranty. Many monitors come with warranties that cover defects or malfunctions. If the issue is covered under the warranty, the manufacturer will usually repair or replace the monitor for free.

Understand that not all monitor issues will be fixed with the above steps. Sometimes more complicated problems can occur due to hardware failure or other types of internal damage. In this case, it is best to take the monitor to a reputable technician to have it evaluated and repaired, if possible.