Award winning collection of tools to optimize and speedup your system performance



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Page Testing

Interactive Testing

Spam Filter Tests

500,000 Tracking Opens

2 Users Free

2 Users Free

2 Users Free

Personal License


Only for a single computer

Lifetime free upgrades

Remove all limitations

Get computer run like new again

Uninstall bundled software

Optimize disk performance

Encrypt important files

Automatic care in background

Premium technical support

Family License


For up to 3 computers

Lifetime free upgrades

Remove all limitations

Get computer run like new again

Uninstall bundled software

Optimize disk performance

Encrypt important files

Automatic care in background

Premium technical support

Corporate License


For unlimited computers in a corporate network

Lifetime free upgrades

Remove all limitations

Get computer run like new again

Uninstall bundled software

Optimize disk performance

Encrypt important files

Automatic care in background

Premium technical support

Your online purchase is guaranteed 100% secure. We will never share your personal information with anyone. License key or full version will be delivered to your email address instantly! the Backup DVD (optional) will be shipped to you no later than the next business day.

30-Days Money Back Guarantee

YL Computing, Inc takes care of our customers and provides 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with your purchase for any reason, simply contact our friendly advisors within 30 days, and we will refund 100% of the purchase price.


  • Risk-Free - 100% 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Safe and Secure - Your online order is private, encrypted and secure
  • Instant Delivery - Immediate electronic delivery after purchasing
  • Free Updates and Upgrades - Get free updates and upgrades for lifetime