πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡» Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, a strong supporter of Bitcoin, kicks off campaign for reelection!

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele has submitted the necessary documents to run for reelection in the country’s presidential election in February 2024. Bukele, who is known for his support of Bitcoin, received strong backing from the public after being officially nominated by his party. Despite his popularity, critics argue that the constitution prohibits Bukele from seeking a second consecutive term, but in September 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that presidents can run for consecutive elections. Bukele’s party, New Ideas, has significant support from the voting population and is implementing tech-friendly policies to boost the country’s economy. Bukele’s tough stance against criminal gangs, such as MS-13, has contributed to a significant decrease in El Salvador’s homicide rate, although critics argue that human rights have been violated in the process. The presidential election is set to take place in February 2024. In other news, a recent data breach affecting LastPass password storage software has resulted in the draining of around $4.4 million worth of crypto from 80 wallets. The breach, which occurred in 2022, allowed the attacker to steal credentials and decrypt customer information. LastPass warned that the encrypted customer vault data could be decrypted if the attacker successfully guesses the account’s master password. This breach follows previous incidents where LastPass customer vaults were cracked and significant amounts of crypto were stolen. Users are urged to migrate their crypto assets if they have ever stored wallet seeds or private keys in LastPass.