Does Windows Defender provide real-time monitoring of the system?

Yes, Windows Defender provides real-time monitoring of the system. Windows Defender is Microsoft’s built-in security tool, which provides protection against viruses, malware, and other malicious software. It is enabled by default on all Windows 10 machines and works in the background without any user interaction.

Real-time protection is an essential component of Windows Defender, and it continuously monitors your computer for suspicious activity and instantly takes action when it detects something malicious. Here’s how it works:

When you access a new file or program, Windows Defender scans it and checks its reputation in the cloud. If it’s associated with malicious behavior, Windows Defender will block the download and alert you.

Windows Defender also uses behavioral analysis to proactively detect and block malicious behavior. It monitors running processes and looks for any suspicious activity to stop malicious programs from being installed on your machine.

In addition, Windows Defender also runs regular scans of your entire computer to look for any hidden malware. These scans are scheduled to run daily, but you can also trigger them manually at any time. To do this, open up Windows Defender and click “Scan Now”.

Finally, Windows Defender also offers cloud-based protection, where it sends samples of any unknown files to a centralized database in the cloud. This database is updated with the latest virus definitions, so Windows Defender can block any newly discovered threats.

All these components work together to provide comprehensive protection against malware, viruses and other cyber threats. While it’s not a replacement for a comprehensive anti-virus program, Windows Defender is a great way to get free and reliable protection for your computer.

To summarize, Windows Defender provides real-time monitoring of your system and can be used to detect and block malicious behavior, scan the entire computer for hidden malware, and utilize the cloud to keep up-to-date with the latest virus definitions.