How can I hide a file or folder in Windows?

Hiding a file or folder in Windows is a useful way to protect confidential information from other users of your computer or from those who might gain unauthorized access. Even if another user of your PC has administrative permission, they may not be able to access your hidden files or folders. Below are several methods on how to hide files and folders in Windows 2000.

Method 1: Use Windows Explorer

The first method for hiding files and folders in Windows 2000 is by using Windows Explorer. To hide files or folders in Windows Explorer:

1. Go to the Start menu and select “My Computer.”

2. Navigate to the folder or drive containing the file or folder you want to hide.

3. Right-click on the file or folder and select “Properties” in the drop-down menu.

4. Select the “Attributes” tab and then check the “Hidden” option.

5. Click the “Apply” button and then the “OK” button to apply your changes.

The file or folder will now be hidden. To view it again, go back to the folder containing the file or folder and select the “Folder Options” item in the View menu. Then, check the “Show hidden files and folders” option.

Method 2: Use Command Prompt

Another method for hiding a file or folder in Windows 2000 is by using the command prompt. To use this method, open a command prompt window by going to the Start menu and selecting “Run”. Once the command prompt window has opened, type “attrib +h [file/folder name]” and press Enter. The file or folder will now be hidden.

To view the hidden file again, type “attrib -h [file/folder name]” into the command prompt window and press Enter. The file or folder will now be visible again.

Method 3: Use the Registry

The third method for hiding files and folders in Windows 2000 is by using the registry. This method is not recommended if you are not an experienced user, as modifications to the registry can cause serious problems to your computer. To modify the registry to hide files and folders:

1. Go to the Start menu and select “Run.”

2. Type “regedit” into the prompt box and press Enter.

3. When the Registry Editor window opens, navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced

4. In the right-hand pane, double-click the “Hidden” option.

5. Change the value from “0” to “1” and then click the “OK” button.

This will enable the setting which hides all files and folders. To view the hidden files and folders again, simply change the value back to “0”.


Hiding files and folders in Windows 2000 is a simple task that can help protect your confidential information. The three methods outlined above each have their own benefits and drawbacks, so choose the one that best suits your needs. Above all else, make sure that you follow the steps correctly, as incorrect modifications to the registry can cause serious problems to your computer.