How can I open a file with a different program in Windows?

In Windows, you can open a file with a different program by right-clicking on the file and selecting “Open With”. This will pull up a list of programs that can be used to open the file. If the desired program is not listed, you can select “Choose another app” to open the file.

1. Right-click the file you wish to open.

2. From the menu displayed, select “Open With”.

3. On the “Open With” window, a list of programs will appear. Select the program you wish to open the file with.

4. If the desired program is not listed, select “Choose another app”.

5. On the “How do you want to open this file?” window, click on “More apps”.

6. The next window will display the entire list of programs and apps installed on your device. Scroll through the list and select the program or app you wish to open the file with.

7. Select “Always use this app to open .[file extension] files” if you want to use the selected program as the default.

8. Click “OK” to confirm your selection.

The file will now open with the program you’ve chosen.