How can I stop a file from being edited or changed in Windows?

The best way to stop a file from being edited or changed in Windows is to use permission settings. Permission settings control and restrict who can access files and folders, as well as what types of actions users can perform on them.

Permission settings can be configured for the entire system or for individual files and folders. To set up permission settings for a file or folder in Windows 2000, follow these steps:

1. Right-click the file or folder to open its Properties window.
2. Select the Security tab.
3. Click the Advanced button.
4. Select the Auditing tab.
5. Select Everyone in the list of Principal Names.
6. Check the box next to “Deny” under the list of Access Rights.
7. Select the boxes next to all of the types of modifications you want to prevent, such as Write or Delete.
8. Click OK to apply the changes.

Once you have set up these permissions, the selected file or folder will be protected from any unauthorized changes or modifications. Keep in mind that these settings apply only to local accounts; they will not apply to users who access the file or folder over a network.

In addition to using permission settings, you can also make a file read-only, which prevents any changes from being made to the file. To do this, simply right-click the file, select Properties, and check the Read-only box. This will make the file unable to be edited or changed, even by an administrator.

You can also back up important files and store them safely on an external drive or server so that if someone does manage to change the file, you’ll have a copy of the original. Finally, you can password-protect files and folders to add an additional layer of protection.

In summary, setting up permission settings, making files read-only, backing up important files, and password-protecting them are all effective ways of preventing a file from being edited or changed in Windows.