How do I change the background on my desktop?

Changing the background on your desktop is a simple way to customize your computer and personalize it to your preferences. You can go beyond the standard options by customizing your own images or by downloading a wallpaper from an online source.


1. Open your Settings
In Windows 10, right-click on the Start button and select “Settings.” Alternatively, you can access Settings by pressing Windows + I.

2. Select Personalization
In the Settings window, select the “Personalization” icon.

3. Choose your Background
In the Personalization window, select the “Background” option. You will be presented with several options for your background.

4. Change your Background
If you wish to change the background to one of the pre-installed Windows backgrounds, just click on the image that you would like to use and it will be automatically set as your background.

If you want to customize your own image, click on the “Browse” button and select an image file from your computer. When you have chosen an image, click on the “Choose Picture” button. The new image will then be set as your background.

5. Set the Desktop Background Picture Position
You can also set the position of the picture on your desktop by selecting either “Tile,” “Stretch,” “Fit,” or “Fill.” The “Tile” option displays the image as a pattern, “Stretch” and “Fit” stretches the image to fit the screen, and “Fill” fills the screen with your image.


1. Open System Preferences
From the Apple Menu, open the “System Preferences” option.

2. Click on the Desktop & Screen Saver Icon
In the System Preferences window, click on the “Desktop & Screen Saver” icon.

3. Select the Desktop Tab
At the top of the Desktop & Screen Saver window, select the “Desktop” tab.

4. Choose your Background
In the Desktop section, choose the image that you would like to set as your background. If you wish to customize your own image, click on the “+” icon and select an image file from your computer.

5. Set the Desktop Background Picture Position
You can also set the position of the picture on your desktop by selecting either “Fill Screen,” “Fit to Screen,” or “Stretch to Fill Screen.” The “Fill Screen” option displays the image as a pattern, “Fit to Screen” sizes the image to fit the screen, and “Stretch to Fill Screen” fills the screen with your image.

By following the above steps, you can easily change the background on your desktop and customize it to your liking. After you have selected the image you would like to use, it should be set as your wallpaper automatically. If you ever want to change the background again, simply follow the same steps.