How do I change the icon of a file in Windows?

Changing the icon of a file in Windows can be done with a few steps. The following instructions are applicable up to and including Windows 2000.

1. Right-click on the file you want to change the icon for, select “Properties” from the pop-up menu.

2. Select the “Shortcut” tab, then click on “Change Icon”.

3. You will need to use the Browse button to select the icon you would like to change to. The icon should be located in a “.ico” file. If you cannot find the icon you desire, you may need to search the web for an appropriate free icon.

4. Once you have selected the icon, click “OK” to change the icon for the file.

5. Click “Apply”, then “OK” to save the changes.

Your file now has a new icon, allowing you to recognize it more easily in Windows.