How do I copy a video file on Windows?

Copying a video file on Windows is an easy process. To begin, open up File Explorer (Windows 8 or earlier) or This PC (Windows 10). Navigate to the folder location containing the video you want to copy. Once you’ve opened the folder with the video, left-click it once so it’s highlighted. You can also select multiple videos at once by holding down the “Ctrl” key and left clicking each video. Right click the selected video(s) and choose “Copy” from the menu that appears.

Next, navigate to the folder where you would like to save the copied video. If the destination folder already contains a video with the same name, you should rename the video file to avoid a conflict. To do this, right click the video and choose “Rename” from the menu. Enter the new name for the video and then click “Enter” on your keyboard.

Once you have navigated to the correct folder, right click in an empty part of the window, and from the menu that appears, click “Paste”. Alternatively, you can press the “Ctrl + V” keys on your keyboard to paste the video. A progress window showing the copy process will appear and when it is complete, the video will be saved to the new location.

If you want to transfer the video to an external device such as a USB drive, open the folder containing the video, and then right click the video and select “Send To”. Select the device you want to transfer the video to, and then click “OK”. The video will now be transferred to the selected device.

You can also use the drag and drop method to copy videos. Open both the source and destination folders and arrange them side by side on your desktop. Left click the video, hold down the mouse button, and drag it to the destination folder. When the video is over the destination folder, let go of the mouse button. This will copy the video to the new folder.

Transferring videos from one computer to another is a bit more complicated, but not impossible. First, create the same folder structure on the destination computer as the source computer. Then, use a USB drive or other removable storage device to transfer the video files. Connect the destination computer to the source computer via a network. Now, open File Explorer on the destination computer and navigate to the network share of the source computer. Copy the video to the destination folder on the destination computer. Once the copying is complete, you can disconnect the two computers.

Whether you are copying, transferring or moving a video file on Windows, it is important to remember to close the source and destination folders once the process is complete. This will ensure the file has been saved to the new location and is not corrupted.