How do I copy or move multiple files at once in Windows?

To copy or move multiple files at once in Windows, you can use the copy and move commands in the Command Prompt. This allows you to quickly and easily copy or move multiple files without having to manually select each file. It is also possible to use a third-party application such as Total Commander or Bulk Rename Utility to accomplish the same task.

Using the Command Prompt
Copy Command
1. Open the Command Prompt. You can open it by typing “cmd” in the search box of the Start menu or press Windows + R and then type “cmd”.
2. Change the current directory to the directory containing the files that you want to copy. You can do this by typing in the command “cd” followed by the path to the directory.
3. Type in the command “copy” followed by the path for the source files, and then the path for the destination folder. The paths should be separated with a space.
4. If you want to include all of the files from the source directory, use the command “copy * ”. If you only want to copy certain file types, you can specify the file extension after the asterisk. For example, to copy only .txt files, use the command “copy *.txt ”.
5. Press Enter to execute the command.

Move Command
1. Follow the steps 1-2 above for the Copy command.
2. Type in the command “move” followed by the path for the source files, and then the path for the destination folder. The paths should be separated with a space.
3. You can also specify the file types by entering the file extension after the asterisk. For example, to move only .txt files, use the command “move *.txt ”.
4. Press Enter to execute the command.

Using Third-Party Applications

Total Commander
1. Download and install Total Commander.
2. Open Total Commander.
3. Select the files that you want to copy or move. You can do this by selecting one file and then holding down the Shift key and clicking on the last file. To select multiple non-contiguous files, press the Ctrl key while clicking the files.
4. Press F5 to copy the files or press F6 to move the files.
5. Select the destination folder in the left pane and press Enter.

Bulk Rename Utility
1. Download and install Bulk Rename Utility.
2. Open Bulk Rename Utility.
3. Select the files that you want to copy or move.
4. Select the appropriate option from the Actions menu (e.g. Move, Copy).
5. Select the destination folder in the left pane.
6. Click the Start button to execute the command.