How do I fix a blue screen error?

A blue screen of death, sometimes referred to as a Blue Screen error or bluescreen, is an error message displayed on a Windows computer system after a fatal system error. It indicates that the system has encountered an irrecoverable hardware or software problem that requires the immediate attention of the user. The blue screen may also contain information about the cause of the problem and steps for resolving it.

Blue screens can be caused by a variety of hardware, software, and operating system problems. The most common causes are corrupted drivers, hardware failures, incompatible software, or issues with the Windows Registry. In all cases, the error message displayed on the blue screen needs to be examined to determine the cause and potential solutions. As such, it’s important to approach fixing a blue screen error in a methodical manner.

Step 1: Review the Error Message

The first step when faced with a blue screen error is to review the error message displayed on the screen. This will provide some clues as to the underlying cause of the problem. Make a note of any relevant details included in the error message. This will be useful both for troubleshooting the problem and for researching potential solutions.

Step 2: Boot into Safe Mode

The next step is to boot into Windows Safe Mode. This is a troubleshooting mode that can help identify software and hardware problems. To do this, press the F8 key during the boot process. This will open the Advanced Boot Options menu. Select the option ‘Safe Mode with Networking’, and hit the Enter key.

When booting into Safe Mode, the operating system only loads the necessary drivers and core services required for basic operation. This helps to narrow down the source of the problem, as components that are not necessary for basic operation will not be loaded.

Step 3: Diagnose Hardware Problems

The third step when dealing with a blue screen error is to diagnose potential hardware problems. If the error occurs shortly after making a hardware change, that could indicate a compatibility issue. To resolve this, unplug any new components and check if the blue screen error still occurs. If so, the problem may relate to a faulty hardware component or a conflicting device driver.

It can also be useful to run hardware diagnostics tools such as Memtest86 or Windows Memory Diagnostic. These are designed to test the memory, hard drive, and other components for errors. Any faulty hardware can then be replaced or repaired.

Step 4: Update Drivers

If hardware diagnostics have ruled out any hardware issues, the next step is to check for outdated device drivers. Outdated drivers can cause conflicts, leading to a blue screen error. To update drivers, navigate to Device Manager by opening the Control Panel, selecting System and Security, and choosing Device Manager.

Next, check for any yellow exclamation marks indicating a problem with a device driver. Right-click each one and select ‘Update Driver’. If an updated driver is available, install it according to the instructions provided.

Step 5: Run System File Checker

Run System File Checker (SFC) to detect and repair corrupted Windows files. To do this, open an elevated command prompt window by typing ‘cmd’ into the search box and right-clicking Command Prompt at the top of the results list. Then, select ‘Run as Administrator’.

Next, type the following command and hit Enter:

SFC /scannow

This will scan the system for corrupted Windows files and attempt to repair them. When the process is complete, reboot the system and check whether the blue screen error is still present.

Step 6: Reset the Operating System

If all of the above steps fail to resolve the blue screen error, you may need to perform a Windows system reset. This will reset the operating system to its default state and also remove any applications and changes made since installation.

To reset Windows, open the Settings app. Then, navigate to Update & Security > Recovery and click on the ‘Get Started’ button in the Reset This PC section. This will provide a list of options, including the ability to keep personal files and fully clean the system drive. Select the appropriate option, and follow the on-screen instructions.


A blue screen of death is a serious error message that requires attention from the user. By following the steps outlined in this article, it’s possible to identify the underlying cause of the problem and take steps to resolve it. This includes running hardware diagnostics, updating drivers, and performing a system reset if necessary.