How do I fix a corrupted driver in Windows?

Corrupted drivers are a common issue in the Windows operating system. The issue can cause system instability, crashing, blue-screen errors and more. Fortunately, there are several methods available to help you repair corrupted drivers.

Method 1: Reinstalling Corrupted Drivers

The first thing to try when dealing with a corrupted driver is to reinstall it. This involves uninstalling the existing driver from the Device Manager and then downloading the latest version from the manufacturer’s website. It is important to follow the exact instructions provided by the manufacturer for the correct installation process.

1. Open the Run command window. Type \devmgmt.msc and press enter.

2. Expand the category corresponding to the driver you want to reinstall.

3. Right-click the device and select ‘Uninstall’.

4. After the driver is uninstalled, restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

5. Visit the manufacturer’s website to download the latest version of the driver.

6. Once downloaded, install the driver following the steps provided by the manufacturer.

7. Restart the computer again, and the driver should now be installed correctly.

Method 2: Updating Corrupted Drivers

Sometimes, an outdated version of a driver can cause issues and lead to corruption. To ensure the proper functioning of the driver, it’s essential to keep them up to date. Here’s how to update a corrupted driver:

1. Open the Run command window. Type \devmgmt.msc and press enter.

2. Expand the category corresponding to the driver you want to update.

3. Right-click the device and scroll down and select ‘Update Driver Software.’

4. Select the option ‘Search automatically for updated driver software’.

5. The computer will then search for and download any available updates for the driver.

6. Once finished, follow the instructions given on the screen to complete the installation.

7. Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

Method 3: System Restore

If the two above methods didn’t work, then it’s possible that the system files may have been damaged or corrupted. In such cases, Windows System Restore is the best way to fix this issue.

1. Open the Run command window. type \rstrui and press enter.

2. The System Restore wizard will open on the screen. Follow the instructions on the screen.

3. Select the option ‘Choose a different restore point.’

4. Select a restore point before the corrupted driver was present.

5. Click ‘Scan for affected programs’ to see what other apps or drivers will be affected by the restore.

6. Click ‘Next’ and then ‘Finish’ to start the system restore process.

7. Wait for the computer to complete the system restore process.

8. Finally, reboot the computer for the changes to take effect.

In conclusion, corrupted drivers can cause serious issues in your computer. Unfortunately, the issue can’t always be fixed by the usual methods. However, the three methods mentioned above should hopefully help you repair a corrupted driver. If all else fails, you may need to contact a qualified technician for further assistance.