How do I mount an .iso file in Windows?

In Microsoft Windows, an .ISO file is a disc image file of an optical disc, such as a CD or DVD. It is a single file that contains all the data from the original disc, including boot information and program files. By mounting the .ISO file, you can treat it as if it were an actual optical disc. This allows you to install programs contained within the disc image without having to burn it to a physical CD or DVD first. In this article, we’ll show you how to mount an .ISO file in Windows.

Before we get started, it’s important to note that while Windows 2000 does not natively support the mounting of .ISO files, you can download and install third-party software to get the job done.

Mounting an .ISO File in Windows XP

For Windows XP users, mounting an .ISO file is simple. To start, make sure the .ISO file is stored on your computer in an easy-to-find location. We recommend placing it on the desktop.

Once the file is in place, open My Computer, right-click the drive that holds the .ISO file, and select “Open.” You should see a list of the files contained within the .ISO image.

Now, click the “Tools” menu tab in the top-right corner, select “Folder Options,” and then click the “File Types” tab. Scroll down the list and double-click the “ISO” entry. On the next window, check the “Autoplay” option and click “OK.”

At this point, you’re ready to mount the .ISO. To do so, double-click the file’s icon and it should open with the Autoplay feature. Select the “Advanced” tab, and then click the “Mount” button. This will mount the .ISO file, making it appear as if it were an actual disc in your computer’s optical drive.

Mounting an .ISO File in Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10

Fortunately, mounting an .ISO file in Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10 is even simpler than it was in Windows XP. With these versions of Windows, you no longer need to install any third-party software or configure any Windows settings – it’s all built in.

To mount the .ISO file, simply locate the file on your computer, right-click it, and select “Mount.” The .ISO should now appear as if it were an actual disc in your computer’s optical drive, and you can access its contents by opening the drive.

Unmounting a Disc Image

Once you’re finished accessing the contents of your .ISO file, you can unmount it and free up the drive letter the disc image was using. To do so, open “Computer” and right-click the disc image’s drive letter before selecting “Eject.” The disc image will be unmounted and you can safely remove it from your computer.


Mounting an .ISO file in Windows is a simple process that can save you a lot of time when installing programs from a disc image. In this article, we’ve shown you how to mount an .ISO file in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10. For Windows 2000 users, you may need to download and install third-party software in order to mount a disc image.