How do I move files between folders on Windows?

To move files between folders in Windows, there are a few different methods that can be used.

Using a File Explorer
The most common way to move files between folders is by using the File Explorer, or Windows Explorer. This application is the default utility included in Windows for managing files and folders. The File Explorer interface can be opened by clicking the yellow folder icon on the bottom left of the desktop.

Once the application is open, it will display the files and folders stored on the computer. To start moving files between folders, navigate to the source folder from which you want to move the file(s). Then, select the file(s) you want to move and drag them onto the destination folder. Alternatively, you can also right-click on the file(s) and select “cut” from the menu. This will remove the file from its original location and allow you to paste it into another folder.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts
For users who prefer to use shortcuts, there are a few keyboard combinations that can be used to quickly move files between folders. To move a file between folders, you can press the “ctrl + X” keys to cut the file and then use the “ctrl + V” keys to paste it in the desired location.

By using these shortcuts, you can easily and quickly move files between different folders on your Windows computer.

Using Copy and Paste
Another method of moving files between folders is by using the “copy and paste” command. This is done by first accessing the source folder containing the file(s) you want to move. Once that is done, select the file(s) you want to move and press the “ctrl + C” keys to copy them. Now, navigate to the destination folder and press the “ctrl + V” keys to paste the file(s) into the new folder.

Using Drag and Drop
Finally, if you are using a touch screen device such as a laptop with a touchpad or a tablet, you can move files between folders by using the “drag and drop” method. To do this, simply click and hold down on the file(s) you want to move and then drag them onto the destination folder. Once they are in the new folder, you can release the mouse button to complete the move.

Using these methods, you can move files between different folders on your Windows computer. Whether you prefer the traditional File Explorer interface, keyboard shortcuts, copy and paste, or the drag and drop method, all of these methods are easy to use and allow you to quickly transfer files between folders.