How do I print a document from Windows?

1. Open the document you wish to print in an application such as Microsoft Word, Notepad or a web browser.

2. Click on the menu bar at the top of the screen and then select File.

3. Select Print from the drop-down list of options.

4. If you want to change any of the printer settings, such as selecting the number of copies you wish to print, you can do this now by selecting Properties from the Print window.

5. Once you have made any changes, click the OK button to save them and return to the Print window.

6. Now you are ready to print your document. Select the Print option on the Print window and then the document will begin printing.

7. Once the document has finished printing, it is advised to select the Exit option in the File menu, to close the document completely. This will ensure that all data is saved correctly and no data is lost.

8. Finally, collect the printed document from your printer.