How do I protect myself from cryptocurrency frauds and scams?

1.Always do your own research: Make sure to thoroughly research any cryptocurrency or project before investing or interacting with it. Read reviews from trusted sources, check out the team behind the project and read through the white paper or other investor documents.

2. Beware of phishing scams: Phishers often impersonate legitimate exchanges and organizations in an attempt to steal personal information or cryptocurrency. Avoid clicking on links received in emails, DM’s or texts—even if they appear legitimate.

3. Don’t share your private keys: Make sure to never share your private keys or other sensitive information with anyone. Keep all your private keys and seed words secure, and never store them online.

4. Use trusted wallets and exchanges: When sending or receiving cryptocurrency, be sure to use only trusted wallets and exchanges. Be sure to verify that they have a good reputation, are backed by reputable organizations, and use modern security best practices.

5. Avoid Ponzi and pyramid schemes: Be aware of projects that offer guaranteed returns with little to no risk. Typically, these schemes are too good to be true, and should be avoided.