How do I rename files and folders on Windows?

Renaming files and folders on Windows is a relatively easy process that anyone can do. It’s important to take extra precautions while renaming files and folders to ensure that you don’t accidentally overwrite or delete something important.

1. Select the file or folder you want to rename by right-clicking it. This will open up a drop-down menu with different options.

2. Choose “Rename” from the menu. This will highlight the existing name of your file or folder, allowing you to edit it.

3. Type in the new name for your file or folder. Be sure not to include any special characters such as a period (.) or a slash (/). These symbols can cause incompatibility issues with the Windows operating system.

4. Once done, click anywhere else on the screen or press the “Enter” key to save the new name. Your file or folder will now be renamed.

Alternatively, you can also use the command prompt to rename files and folders. This method works well if you have several files and folders that need to be renamed at once.

1. Open the command prompt. Windows 10 users can do so by typing “cmd” into the search bar at the bottom left corner of their screen.

2. Type in the command “ren” followed by the path of the file or folder you want to rename. For example, if you wanted to rename a file called “example.txt” in your “Documents” folder, the command would be “ren C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\example.txt newname.txt”

3. Press “Enter” to execute the command. The file will now be renamed to “newname.txt”.

It’s also possible to bulk rename files and folders using the command prompt. To do this, simply type in the “ren” command followed by the asterisk (*) symbol which acts as a wildcard for all matching files and folders. For example, if you wanted to rename all files in your “Documents” folder that begin with the word “example”, the command would be “ren C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\example*.* newname*.”

You can also use third-party software to rename files and folders on Windows. These programs often offer more features than the built-in Windows options and can be used to batch rename large amounts of files and folders at once. Some popular programs include Bulk Rename Utility, Advanced Renamer and File Renamer.

No matter which method you choose, always take extra precautions when renaming files and folders on Windows. With the wrong combination of keys and commands, you can easily delete or corrupt important data. Make sure to back-up important files and folders before making any changes just in case something goes wrong.