How do I view file properties in Windows?

In Microsoft Windows, you can use the properties box to view information about files, folders and other objects. This box displays the attributes associated with a file or folder, such as the file size, the date it was modified, who owns it and more. Although the properties box does not show all of the possible information about an item, it provides a quick way to find out the most important facts about a file.

To view the properties of a file or folder, right-click its icon in the Windows Explorer window. Then select the “Properties” option from the pop-up menu. The properties box will appear.

In Windows 2000, the properties box is divided into tabs that group related information. The General tab shows the name, size, type, and location of the file, as well as when it was last modified. It also shows general attributes such as whether the object is compressed or encrypted, and whether it has been hidden from view.

The Version tab displays technical information about the file, such as its version number, copyright information, and product name. This tab is especially useful if you have several versions of the same file and need to know which one is the latest.

The Summary tab contains a variety of descriptive text fields. You can enter the author’s name, title, subject, comments, and keywords associated with the file. You can also write a brief description of the file in the comments field. This information can be helpful when searching for files later on.

The Security tab allows you to assign permissions to the file. Permissions control who can read, write, or delete the file. You can also set a password to protect the contents of the file so that only users who know the password can open the file.

The Sharing tab appears if the file or folder is shared across a network. You can set the access level for others on the network, such as read-only, modify, or full control. You can also specify what type of network users can access the shared item and select specific users.

The Customize tab is primarily used for setting the default icon for a file or folder. This icon is displayed on the desktop and in the start menu. You can choose from the standard Microsoft icons or select custom icons from the list.

By using the properties box, you can quickly view essential information about a file. You can also set up security and sharing settings to ensure that other people cannot access the file or folder.