How often should I run a scan with Windows Defender?

Windows Defender is a built-in antivirus and anti-malware program in Microsoft Windows, and it is recommended that users run a scan at least once a week. However, depending on usage, frequency of internet access, and other variables, it may be necessary to scan more often.

For basic protection against viruses and other forms of malware, it is wise to use the default settings in Windows Defender and allow the program to run automatic scans every time the computer starts up. This can provide a baseline of protection and will stay up to date with the latest security updates from Microsoft.

For enhanced protection and for those who access the internet often, it is advised that running a quick scan should be done more than once a week, such as twice a week or even daily. For the most comprehensive protection, running a full system scan should be done at least once a week, or more frequently if desired. Additionally, if there are concerns about possible infection from ransomware, it may be beneficial to run a deep scan every week as well.

Windows Defender is an effective program for providing basic protection against malicious software and can help detect threats quickly and easily. While it is important to remember to scan regularly and take additional security measures, such as using strong passwords and installing other anti-malware programs and firewalls, keeping Windows Defender up to date and running regular scans is the best way to keep your computer safe and secure.