How to change the file type in Windows?

Changing the file type in Windows is a useful way to save files with a certain purpose or to make them easier to identify. Depending on which version of Windows you are using, there are different methods for changing the file type. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to change the file type in Windows 2000.

1. Right-click the file that you want to change the type of. Select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

2. The “General” tab of the file’s Properties window will be selected by default. Look at the box labeled “Type of File:” and record the current file type. This will be important later on.

3. Click on the “Advanced” button.

4. Uncheck the box next to “Compress contents to save disk space” if it is checked and then click the “Change” button under the “File Type” heading.

5. A list of possible file types will appear. Scroll through this list until you find the file type that you want. Select it and then click the “OK” button.

6. If Windows prompts you with a warning about changing the file type, click the “Yes” button.

7. Click the “Apply” button.

8. Click the “OK” button to close the Properties window.

You have now successfully changed the file type in Windows 2000. You can confirm this by right-clicking the file and selecting “Properties” again. The “Type of File” field should now reflect your changes.