How to optimize performance in Windows 11?

1. Clear Up Disk Space: To maximize performance on Windows 11, you need to make sure there is enough free disk space. Consider removing large files or programs that you don’t need.

2. Limit Startup Programs: You can limit the number of startup programs running in Windows 11. This will ensure that your system startup processes won’t slow down the performance.

3. Uninstall Bloatware: Look through your list of installed programs and uninstall any software that you don’t need.

4. Update Drivers: Make sure all your device drivers are up-to-date. Outdated drivers can cause issues with your hardware and slow down performance.

5. Adjust Your Power Settings: By default, Windows 11 sets your power settings to Balanced. You can change this to High Performance to get more performance out of your system.

6. Use ReadyBoost: Windows 11 has a feature called ReadyBoost which uses flash storage devices such as USB drives to improve system performance.

7. Disable Visual Effects: You can disable visual effects to free up system resources and improve performance.

8. Clean the Registry: The registry is a database that contains important settings regarding applications and hardware in your system. You can use registry cleaners to scan and fix registry errors which can help improve performance.

9. Check for Viruses and Malware: Always make sure that your computer is not infected by viruses or malware. Infected systems tend to be slower than usual.

10. Defragment Drives: Over time your hard drive can become fragmented and this can have a negative effect on performance. It is recommended that you regularly defragment your hard drive to optimize performance.