How to research a cryptocurrency project?

1. Visit the project website: Every crypto project should have a website that provides a wealth of information about the project and its features. Look for a “white paper” which provides an overview of the project, its team, and its roadmap.

2. Read the project’s blog: Stay up to date on the latest news and updates by reading the project’s blog, which is often updated with progress reports, development updates, and other news.

3. Check the coin’s roadmap: A roadmap gives an overall timeline for where the project is headed and its development goals. It’s important to understand how the project intends to reach its objectives.

4. Research the team: Research the team behind the project, read their bios and check out their professional experience in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

5. Examine the project’s code: Take a look at the project’s source code to get a sense of its development process. Projects posted on Github are especially helpful for this.

6. Monitor the project’s social media channels: Keep up with the project by following it on Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, or other platforms. There’s often valuable information to be gleaned from this.