Q5: How often does Windows Defender scan for malware?

Windows Defender is Microsoft’s anti-malware solution for Windows operating systems. Windows Defender is designed to detect, quarantine, and remove malicious software such as viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, and spyware.

Windows Defender is enabled by default when you install Windows and will automatically scan your computer on a regular basis. It typically runs scans once a week, but you can also customize the scan settings to fit your own needs.

You can choose to run quick scans that look for recently-downloaded malware, or full scans which check your entire computer for potential threats. You can also set up Custom Scans to look for malware in specific areas of your computer.

In addition, Windows Defender monitors your computer in real time for any suspicious behavior, and it can quickly block malicious processes or downloads if it detects them. It also has a cloud-based protection that works in the background to stay up-to-date with the latest malware definitions, so it can instantly recognize and block any potential threats before they become an issue.

Overall, Windows Defender regularly scans your computer for malware on a customizable schedule in order to provide protection from any malicious activity. By keeping your Windows Defender up-to-date and scanning regularly, you can be sure that your data and privacy are kept safe.