What are the best performance optimization tools?

1. Uptrends: Uptrends is a powerful performance optimization tool designed to monitor websites, networks, and databases, providing real-time insights into how your services are performing and helping you identify and resolve performance issues.

2. New Relic: New Relic is a comprehensive performance optimization tool that can be used to monitor the performance of applications built on distributed systems. It offers real-time insights, as well as powerful analytics capabilities and alerting options.

3. AppDynamics: AppDynamics is an application performance monitoring tool that helps developers identify performance issues and quickly fix them. It provides deep visibility into application clusters and servers, as well as detailed performance metrics across multiple layers of an application stack.

4. Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool from Google examines the performance of websites and offers suggestions for improvement. It looks at several metrics such as page speed on mobile and desktop, time to first byte (TTFB), and other factors that impact website performance.

5. WebPageTest: Another great performance optimization tool, WebPageTest provides detailed analysis of web pages and their components. It allows developers to measure page loading speed and asynchrony, and look at other metrics like first contentful paint, time to interactive, and more.