What can I do to improve the responsiveness of my applications?

1. Use asynchronous JavaScript: Asynchronous JavaScript allows the browser to make requests and receive responses from the server without blocking other page activities. This can significantly improve the responsiveness of applications.

2. Optimize images: Large images can slow down your application significantly. Image optimization can ensure that large images are compressed and optimized for web use, ensuring faster load times and better performance.

3. Minimize HTTP requests: Every time a request is made to a server, it adds extra load to the server. Minimizing HTTP requests decreases the load on the server and improves the overall response time of the application.

4. Implement caching: Caching helps reduce the amount of work the server has to do to generate a response, which leads to faster response times and improved responsiveness.

5. Leverage content delivery networks (CDNs): CDNs provide a way to distribute content to end users quickly and efficiently. This ensures faster delivery of content and improved responsiveness of applications.