What kind of file system does Windows use for data recovery?

Windows uses the NTFS (New Technology File System) for data storage and recovery.

NTFS is an advanced file system that was introduced with the release of Windows NT 3.1 over 30 years ago, which makes it a very mature and reliable system for protecting and recovering data. NTFS is a journaling file system which keeps track of all changes made to the files and directory structure on the hard drive by keeping a log of those changes. This allows the system to quickly locate and restore corrupted or damaged files.

When data becomes lost or corrupted, the NTFS file system can be used to recover it. To do this, the system restores the original data stored in its log by reverting all changes made to files and directories since the last backup, thus restoring them to their pre-loss state. In cases where the data has been deleted, the NTFS file system first looks for a deleted file in the system address space before attempting to recover deleted files from the hard drive.

For users looking to recover and retrieve deleted files from NTFS drives, there are a number of applications available on the market. One of the most popular and highly recommended is WinUtilities Undelete. Designed specifically for NTFS file systems, this software provides users with an easy-to-use interface for locating and recovering lost files, folders and even entire partitions. It also includes powerful data recovery algorithms that allow you to recover files that have been corrupted or accidentally deleted. The application includes a search wizard to quickly locate lost files and detailed previews of recoverable data. It can also detect empty or partially overwritten sectors, which allows you to recover files even if they have been partially overwritten or deleted.

WinUtilities Undelete provides a reliable and efficient solution for recovering lost data from NTFS drive. With its intuitive user interface, advanced data recovery algorithms and powerful search capabilities, this application is an excellent choice for users who need to recover data from their NTFS drives.