1. Adjust your power settings: Change the settings in the Power Options control panel to allow your computer to use its full potential while saving energy.
2. Add more RAM (Random-Access Memory): RAM is a form of memory that allows your computer to access data quickly and operate faster.
3. Disable start-up programs: Many programs are configured to launch automatically when you start your computer. This can slow down your system as it takes time to load each of those programs. Go to the Task Manager and disable those unnecessary programs from starting up.
4. Defragment your hard drive: Defragmenting your hard drive organizes scattered data in order to speed up your computer.
5. Clean up your hard drive: Remove any unwanted programs, temporary files or duplicate files that take up valuable space and slow down your computer.
6. Keep your drivers up to date: Installing the latest drivers can improve the performance of hardware on your system.
7. Run virus scans regularly: Viruses and malware infect your system and slow down its performance. Running scheduled scans can help keep your system running smoothly.
8. Enable fast startup: Fast startup is a feature that speeds up the boot process by pre-loading some of the system files. This can be enabled in the Power Options Control Panel.