What settings should I change to maximize my computer performance?

1. Disable Unnecessary Startup Programs: Many programs pre-load themselves into your computer’s startup process, slowing down the booting speed and using up valuable memory. Disabling these programs can dramatically improve computer performance.

2. Adjust Visual Effects for Best Performance: Visual effects such as animation, fading windows and slide-in menus have a tendency to slow down computer performance. Disabling these unnecessary visuals makes Windows simpler and faster.

3. Update Drivers & Software: Out-of-date drivers and software can cause conflicts and errors, drastically reducing computer performance. Keeping your system updated with the latest versions of everything improves overall performance.

4. Use Disk Cleanup & Disk Defragmenter: Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter help organize data on hard drives, improving computer speed.

5. Check for Malware and Viruses: Malware and viruses can eat up precious system resources, causing your computer to run more slowly. Running a virus scan regularly helps keep your system running efficiently.

6. Limit Number of Open Programs: All open programs take up RAM and processor power, and too many can lead to computer slowdown. Limiting the number of programs open at once can help maximize computer performance.

7. Adjust Processor Scheduling & Memory Usage: Adjusting how Windows uses processor scheduling, memory usage and virtual memory can help maximize computer performance.

8. Uninstall Unused Programs: Unused programs take up space and tend to hog valuable resources. Uninstalling programs you no longer use is a great way to free up valuable resources.

9. Use WinUtilities Software: WinUtilities is designed to help optimize your PC, making it faster and more efficient. It includes disk defragmenters, disk cleaners, registry cleaners and more.

10. Choose the Right Anti-Virus Solution: Some anti-virus solutions are more resource-intensive than others. Choosing the right solution for your system helps ensure maximum performance.