What types of cryptocurrencies can be checked with the tool?

The YL Cryptocurrency Balance Checker software can be used to check the balance of a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Ripple, Monero, Dogecoin, and many more.

For Bitcoin, the software can show the total amount of Bitcoin received, the total amount of Bitcoin sent, and the total number of transactions related to the user’s wallet address. For Ethereum, it can show the total amount of Ether received, the total amount of Ether sent, and the total number of transactions related to the user’s wallet address.

For other supported currencies, the software can show the total amount of cryptocurrency received, the total amount of cryptocurrency sent, and the total number of transactions related to the user’s wallet address. It can also provide users with a list of all their cryptocurrency addresses, so they can quickly and easily monitor their balances in all the different cryptocurrency networks that they are involved in.

The software can check balances across multiple exchanges as well, allowing users to view the current market value of their holdings on each exchange. This can be useful for those who want to determine the best place to buy or sell a cryptocurrency, based on its current market rate.

YL Cryptocurrency Balance Checker software also provides users with a comprehensive history of their past transactions and addresses. This allows users to review their past activities and ensure that all their transactions have been correct and accounted for. In addition, it can help users keep track of what exchanges they have used, which wallets they have had and when each transaction was made.

Overall, YL Cryptocurrency Balance Checker is an invaluable tool for anyone investing in cryptocurrencies, allowing them to easily monitor their balances and transactions with ease. The software supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies and can be used to check balances in multiple exchanges and wallets. This makes it possible for people to keep track of their investments without having to manually go through all of their transactions.