What types of threats does Windows Defender protect against?

Windows Defender is a built-in security feature of Windows Operating Systems that offers advanced protection against malware and other malicious software threats. It is an antivirus program that helps protect your device from viruses, ransomware, spyware, rootkits, worms, and other types of malicious software. Windows Defender uses an array of technologies, such as machine learning and cloud-based protection, to identify and block potentially malicious programs or websites.

Windows Defender can help protect against different types of threats including:

1. Viruses: A virus is malicious code that can damage or otherwise affect the data, programs, or files on a computer system. Windows Defender helps detect, quarantine, and remove viruses from your computer.

2. Ransomware: Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts or locks files on a computer, preventing access to them until a ransom is paid. Windows Defender proactively scans for ransomware and if detected, it will quarantine it or remove it from the system.

3. Spyware: Spyware is malicious software used to steal information from a computer system without the knowledge of the user. Windows Defender detects and removes spyware by scanning for known malicious behavior and files.

4. Rootkits: Rootkits are malicious software that can gain control of a computer and hide their activities to avoid detection. Windows Defender includes features to defend against rootkits by actively scanning for them and removing any identified rootkit infections.

5. Worms: Worms are malicious software used to spread through networks, devices, and other computers by exploiting security vulnerabilities. Windows Defender actively scans for known worms and blocks them from entering the system.

6. Trojans: Trojans are malicious software designed to masquerade as legitimate programs in order to deceive users into installing or executing malicious code. Windows Defender detects and removes trojan horses by scanning for known malicious behavior and files.

7. Phishing: Phishing is a type of attack where malicious actors try to socially engineer unsuspecting users into providing confidential information or credentials. Windows Defender can help protect against phishing attempts by flagging suspicious links and websites.

8. Adware: Adware is malicious software designed to display unwanted advertisements on a computer system. Windows Defender detects and removes adware by scanning for known malicious behavior and files.

9. Fraudware: Fraudware is malicious software designed to scam users by convincing them to purchase unnecessary products or services. Windows Defender can help protect against fraudware by flagging suspicious URLs, links, and websites.

10. Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs): PUPs are programs that are not necessarily malicious but can still potentially be unwanted or cause extreme disruption. Windows Defender can help protect against PUPs by detecting and blocking potentially unwanted programs and files.

In summary, Windows Defender can help protect against a wide range of malicious software threats, from viruses and ransomware to phishing and fraudware. In addition to providing protection from known threats, Windows Defender also has proactive features that help identify and block unknown threats before they can do any harm.