What versions of Windows does Windows Defender support?

Windows Defender is a free antivirus software program developed by Microsoft that is designed to protect Windows operating systems against viruses, spyware, rootkits, and other malicious software. It is included in all versions of the Windows operating system since Windows 8, including Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows Server 2016.

Windows Defender is available through the Windows Security Center, where it is automatically enabled when no other anti-virus programs are detected. It offers multi-layered protection through real-time protection, behavior monitoring, heuristics, and generic signatures.

Windows Defender is primarily designed to protect Windows systems from attacks by viruses, worms, and other malicious software. It also provides anti-spam and anti-phishing protection, scanning of incoming and outgoing emails for malicious content, and a firewall for network security.

Windows Defender supports the following versions of Windows:

– Windows XP
– Windows Vista
– Windows 7
– Windows 8
– Windows 8.1
– Windows 10
– Windows Server 2003
– Windows Server 2008
– Windows Server 2012
– Windows Server 2016