What were the major achievements of Wu Zetian?

Wu Zetian was an incredibly influential figure in Chinese history and is still remembered today. She was the Empress of Tang Dynasty China and is renowned for her use of government reform and strong leadership. Her major achievements during her reign included her introduction of new policies, her patronage of Buddhism, and her accomplishments in the military.

1. Introduction of New Policies

Wu Zetian is most well-known for introducing a series of reforms during her reign. These included the implementation of meritocracy, the appointment of officials based on their individual merit, rather than family connections or regional background. This allowed for the rise of a professional bureaucracy that could be used for efficient government administration.

Another significant reform initiated by Wu Zetian was the creation of the “Three Departments and Six Ministries”. This system was modelled after a similar one used in the Sui Dynasty and provided a standardized administrative system for the entire empire. It also allowed for an increased level of taxation and increased revenues for the state.

The last major policy reform implemented by Wu Zetian was the development of a new currency system. This established a unified system of money that could be used by citizens throughout the empire and helped to stimulate economic growth and development.

2. Patronage of Buddhism

Wu Zetian was heavily influenced by Buddhism during her reign. She was a major patron of the religion, seeking to promote its spread throughout the empire. Shortly after coming to power, she gave official recognition to Buddhism, allowing for it to become a major influence in Chinese culture. During her reign, she also allowed for Buddhist temples to be constructed in many cities, as well as contributing to their upkeep.

In addition to this, Wu Zetian is credited with introducing the Lotus Sutra, one of the key religious texts of Mahayana Buddhism, to the Chinese court. She also tried to promote the practice of Buddhism amongst her officials, even going so far as to issue a proclamation ordering them to embrace the religion.

3. Accomplishments in the Military

Wu Zetian is also remembered for her accomplishments in the military. Although the armies of the Tang Dynasty were largely focused on defending against invasions from their northern neighbours, Wu Zetian was able to successfully expand the borders of the empire. She achieved this through a combination of diplomatic engagements and military conquests, taking over many smaller kingdoms and principalities in what is now modern-day Mongolia.

In addition to her success in war, Wu Zetian was also credited with reforming the military of the Tang Dynasty. She reorganised the army into several different regiments and reorganized the bureaucratic chain of command. This set the stage for the eventually creation of the famous Tang Dynasty army, which would become one of the most effective forces in all of Asia.

Overall, the major achievements of Wu Zetian have been instrumental in shaping Chinese history. She was the first woman to rule over an entire empire and made many lasting contributions to Chinese culture, politics and religion. Her reforms allowed for the rise of a professional bureaucracy, helped to spread Buddhism, and enabled military expansion. For these reasons, she is still remembered today and serves as an example of female leadership and strength.