A9: Windows Defender is the anti-virus and anti-malware software that is included with Windows 10, while Windows Security is the app used to configure Windows Defender and manage other security features


Windows Defender is the anti-virus and anti-malware software developed by Microsoft and released in 2006. It is included with Windows 10, along with the Windows Security app, which can be used to configure and manage various security features.

Windows Defender is a malware protection program that safeguards your computer from malicious files or viruses before they can cause harm. It runs in the background, monitoring and analyzing downloaded files for malicious content. If it detects any threats, it will quarantine them so they can’t spread or do any damage.

Windows Security is the app that is used to configure and manage various aspects of Windows Defender. It also provides additional security features such as: Security Center scanning, Firewall monitoring, User Account Control for prompting users for administrative privileges before dangerous tasks, Windows Networking Protection, Microsoft Account protection, and Windows Update security patching. The user has the option to manually enable or disable any of these additional security features.

One feature that sets Windows Defender apart from other antivirus programs is its ability to use Windows Update to check for new virus definitions. This allows Windows Defender to stay up-to-date with the latest threats and security updates, keeping your computer safe. It also offers real-time protection, which is enabled by default, so any immediate threats are automatically blocked.

Windows Security provides an easy interface for configuring and managing the settings pertaining to Windows Defender. It provides information about the current system status and also shows the list of all blocked threats since the last scan. Through this app, users can customize the Windows Defender’s settings, including the frequency of scans, exclusions and notifications.

In summary, Windows Defender is an essential tool for protecting your computer from malicious code or programs, while Windows Security is the app used to configure and manage the security features of Windows Defender. Windows Security allows you to customize the way Windows Defender works and ensures that it is always up-to-date with the latest security updates.