Q9: What is the difference between Windows Defender and Windows Security?

Windows Defender and Windows Security share some similarities, but there are some distinct differences between the two.

Windows Defender is a free anti-malware service provided by Microsoft, designed to protect computers running Windows operating systems against malicious software, including computer viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software. It runs in the background, quietly monitoring your system for suspicious activity and automatically taking action when a malicious file or program is detected. It can also scan for and remove existing viruses and other malware installed on your computer.

Windows Security, formally known as Windows Defender Security Center, is a unified control panel that provides users with an easy way to access and manage their security solutions. It was first introduced with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update in 2016. In addition to providing access to Windows Defender, it also allows you to monitor the overall security of your system, view security events, and manage security settings. It also provides quick access to related security solutions, such as the Windows Firewall, Windows Update, and the Windows Backup utility.

The main difference between Windows Defender and Windows Security is the scope of protection they offer. Windows Defender is specifically designed to detect and remove malicious software, while Windows Security provides a broader range of security solutions for your system. While Windows Defender can detect and remove viruses and other malicious software, Windows Security also allows you to configure settings to improve the overall security of your system.

For example, when you open Windows Security, you can check the system’s security health, which shows you a summary of any threats or issues with your system’s security posture. You can view recent security events in the event viewer, as well as make adjustments to your Windows Firewall settings. Additionally, you can access the Windows Update page to check for new updates and patch any system vulnerabilities.

Another key difference between the two services is that Windows Security can be used to manage third-party security applications. Windows Security will show any third-party security applications that have been installed, and allow you to easily manage their settings. Windows Defender is limited to monitoring and removing malicious software, and doesn’t provide similar support for third-party applications.

To summarize, Windows Defender is a dedicated anti-malware program designed to detect and remove malicious software. Windows Security, on the other hand, is a unified control panel that provides users with more comprehensive security services. It allows users to monitor the system’s security health, view recent security events, manage Windows Firewall settings, and manage third-party security applications.