How do I change the default program for opening a file?

Changing the default program for opening a file can be done in a few steps.

1. Right-click on the file whose default program you wish to change.
2. Select “Open With” from the pop-up menu.
3. You will see a list of programs already installed in your computer. Select the program that you want to use as the new default for opening this type of file.
4. If the desired program does not appear in the list, click on the “Browse” button at the bottom of the list.
5. Locate and select the program you want to use.
6. Check the box beside the option “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” and click “OK.”
7. The selected program will now be the default program for opening this type of file.

If you are using Windows 2000 or XP, you can also right-click on the file you want to open and select “Properties.” When the Properties window appears, click on the “General” tab underneath it. In the window that appears, you should see a section labeled “Opens with.”

Click on the “Change” button and select the program you want to use as the default for opening this type of file from the list presented. Check the box next to “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” and click “OK.”

You can also set the default program for all files of a particular type by using the folder options in Windows Explorer.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder containing the type of file you want to set a default program for. Right-click on the folder and select “Properties.” Click on the “File Types” tab in the window that appears. A list of all the different file types in this folder will be displayed.

Select the file type whose default program you want to change, and then click the “Change” button. Select the desired program and check the box next to “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file” and click “OK.” This will now become the default program for all files of this type you open from this folder.

By following these steps, you can easily change the default program for a single file or all files of a particular type.