How do I share files and folders in Windows?

Sharing files and folders in Windows is a simple and convenient way to store and access data on local networks, home networks, and the internet. There are several different methods you can use to share files and folders on Windows-based computers and devices. Below, we will provide detailed instructions on how to share files and folders in Windows.

Using File Explorer

The primary way of sharing files in Windows is through File Explorer. File Explorer allows users to easily locate, manage, and share files. To access File Explorer, open your Start menu and select File Explorer from the list of programs.

Once File Explorer is opened, you can begin to share files and folders. To share a file or folder, locate the file or folder in File Explorer that you would like to share. Right-click on the file or folder and select the “Share with” option from the pop-up menu. This will launch a new window with several sharing options.

From this window, you can choose to share the file or folder with specific people, or with everyone on the network (home or workgroup). If you choose to share the item with specific people, you will need to input their user name into the window. If you choose to share the item with everyone on the network, they will be able to access the item with no additional action required.

Once you have made your selection, click the “Share” button to begin the file sharing process. You may also view the permissions that you have set for the item before it is shared. You can change these permissions at any time by clicking on the “Permissions” button.

Once the file or folder is shared, it can be accessed by other users on the network. Other users can view, edit, delete, and create new items depending on the permissions that you have set. If you would like to stop sharing the item, simply right-click on it again and select the “Unshare” option.

Using the Share Button in Office Applications

Many Microsoft Office applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, allow you to quickly and easily share documents with others. To do this, open the Office application that you would like to use and create or open the document you would like to share.

Once the document is open, click on the “Share” button in the top-right corner of the application’s window. This will open a pop-up window where you can input the email addresses of the people that you would like to share the document with.

Once you have added the recipients’ emails, click the “Send” button to send the document to them. The document will now be accessible by them with the functionality to edit or view it depending on the permissions you have set.

Using Email

Another easy way to share files and folders in Windows is to use email. To do this, create a new email message and attach the file or folder you would like to share. Compose your message as normal, input the recipient’s email address in the “To” field and click the “Send” button to send the message.

The recipient of the email will then be able to view, edit, and save the file or folder. Depending on the size of the attachment, there may be restrictions on the number of times the recipient can access the attachment.

Using OneDrive

Microsoft’s OneDrive service is another great way to share files and folders in Windows. OneDrive is a cloud storage service that allows users to store up to 5GB of data for free.

To use OneDrive to share files and folders, first go to the OneDrive website and sign in with your Microsoft account. Once signed in, drag and drop the files and folders that you would like to share into the OneDrive window.

Once the items are uploaded, right-click on the item(s) that you would like to share and select “Share” from the pop-up menu. This will launch a window where you can enter the email addresses of the people you would like to share the item(s) with.

Once you have added the email addresses, select the permissions you would like the recipient to have and then click the “Share” button. The recipient will then receive an email with a link to the item(s) you have shared.


Sharing files and folders in Windows is easy and convenient. There are several different ways to share files, including using File Explorer, the share button in Office applications, email, and OneDrive. By following the instructions outlined above, you will be able to share files and folders in Windows quickly and securely.