How do I delete files or folders permanently?

Deleting files or folders permanently can be done in many ways depending on the operating system and storage device being used. Some of the most common methods are listed below.

1. Using a File Shredder:
File shredders are specialized programs designed to securely delete files so that they cannot be recovered. These programs work by overwriting the file data multiple times with random bits of data to make sure no trace of the original file remains. As such, using a file shredder is the safest and most reliable way to delete files permanently.

2. Using Command Prompt/Terminal:
Windows and MacOS both have command line interfaces that allow users to delete files directly from their computer. On Windows, you can use the “del” command to permanently delete files. On MacOS, you can use the “rm” command for the same purpose. It is important to note that these commands will only delete the files and not the associated folder structure, so if you want to delete a folder permanently, you must also delete all files in it before deleting the folder itself.

3. Formatting the Storage Device:
Formatting the storage device that contains the files or folders you want to delete is another way to delete them permanently. This involves erasing all data stored on the device and setting up a new file system. This is usually done when switching operating systems or when getting rid of an old storage device. It is important to note that formatting a storage device should be done with caution since it will erase all data on the device, including data that you may want to keep. It is also important to note that formatting a storage device will not completely destroy the data, only render it inaccessible without the use of special recovery software.

4. Using Disk Cleanup:
If you are using a Windows PC, you can use the built-in Disk Cleanup utility to delete files and folders permanently. Disk Cleanup allows you to select certain types of files (including temporary files, downloaded program files, and recycle bin contents) and delete them from your hard drive. However, like with formatting, Disk Cleanup will not completely destroy the deleted data, leaving it vulnerable to recovery using special software.

5. Deleting Data from Solid State Drives:
Solid state drives are different from traditional hard drives in that they do not have any movable parts and all the data is stored in memory chips. As such, it is not possible to simply delete the data from an SSD as you would with a hard drive. If you want to delete data from an SSD, you must use a secure erase tool, which will overwrite the data with random bits of data. This will make sure that the data cannot be recovered even with specialized software.

In conclusion, deleting files or folders permanently can be done in a variety of ways depending on the operating system and storage device being used. The safest and most reliable method is to use a file shredder program, though this may not be available for some operating systems. The other methods mentioned above will also delete the data but may leave it vulnerable to recovery using specialized software. As such, it is best to exercise caution when deleting data to make sure it is completely gone for good.