How do I install a font?

Installing a font is relatively easy depending on the platform you are using.

For Windows

1. Open the folder containing the font that you want to install.

2. Right-click the font file and select ‘Install’ from the context menu that appears.

3. Your fonts will be installed and ready for use!

For Mac OS X

1. Access the Font Book application which is located in your Applications list.

2. Once opened, click the ‘+’ icon at the bottom of the left hand window.

3. Navigate to the folder containing the font and select it.

4. The font will now appear in your library and is ready to use!

For Linux

1. Copy the font folder or files into the (if you’re using an Ubuntu-based distribution) ~/.fonts directory.

2. Update your font cache using the command sudo fc-cache -fv.

3. Restart the application that you wish to use the font in and you should be able to start using it!

For WebFonts

1. Purchase the font online from reputable font vendors such as or

2. Generate the required web font formats from the vendor’s website.

3. Place the generated web font files into the root directory of the website you want to use them on.

4. Add the @font-face rule to the CSS file for the website.

5. Refresh the page and the webfonts should now be visible!