How do I open a Windows file in a different program?

To open a Windows file in a different program, there are several methods that can be used.

1. Right-click the file you want to open and select ‘Open With’.

This is the simplest way to open a file and it will give you a list of programs that can be used to open the file. Simply choose the desired program from the list and the file will open.

2. Change the file association for the file type.

If you decide that you want to use a specific program to open all files with a certain extension, you can change the default program associated with that extension. To do this, right-click on the specific file you wish to open and select Properties. In the General tab, there should be an area labeled ‘Opens With’, which allows you to select the desired program for opening the file.

3. Use Command Prompt/Windows PowerShell

The command line can be used to open a file in a specific program. To do this, open Command Prompt/Windows PowerShell and enter the following command:

“start [program name] [filename]”, where [program name] is the name of the desired program and [filename] is the name of the file you want to open.

For example, to open a text document in Notepad, enter the command “start notepad document.txt”.

4. Create a shortcut

You can create a shortcut to open a file in a particular program by right-clicking on the file and selecting Create Shortcut. Right-click on the new shortcut and select Properties. In the Shortcut tab, you can change the target application to the desired program. Now double-clicking on the shortcut will open the file in the chosen program.

5. Use File Explorer

In the File Explorer window, go to the folder containing the file you wish to open. Right-click the file, select Open With, select Choose Another App and then select the desired program from the list. This option also allows you to set the chosen program as the default for opening the file type.

These are some of the methods you can use to open a Windows file in a different program. Depending on your needs and preferences, any of these methods can help you easily open a file in a different program.