How do I view the contents of a zip file on Windows?

To view the contents of a zip file on Windows, you will first need to unzip the file. This can be done in a few simple steps:

1. Double click the zip file to open it. Windows Explorer will create a new folder with the same name as the zip file and extract the contents of the zip file into that folder.

2. Once the file is extracted, you can view the contents by opening the folder. The contents will now be visible and can be accessed, modified, and moved as needed.

3. If you would like to delete the contents of the zip file, right click the zip file and select “Delete”. When prompted, confirm by clicking “Yes” to delete the file and its contents.

For more advanced users, you can also use command line tools to view the contents of a zip file without extracting it. To do this, open the command prompt (Go to Start > Run and type in cmd) and navigate to the directory of the zip file. To list the contents, type in the following command:

unzip -l []

This will list all the files and directories inside the zip file.

It is also possible to extract specific files or folders from a zip file without extracting the entire contents. To do this, use this command:

unzip [] [file/folder name]

You can replace [file/folder name] with the name of a particular file or folder to extract only that file or directory.

You can also compress files and folders into a zip file with the following command:

zip [] [file/folder name]

This command will create a new zip file with the given name and add the specified file or folder to the contents.

These command line tools are very powerful and offer many other features to work with zip files. For example, if you want to add a file to an existing zip file, you can use the -up option in unzip command.

In summary, you can view the contents of a zip file on Windows in two ways: by unzipping the file and navigating to the extracted folder; or by using command line tools.