How to move a file in Windows?


Windows provides different ways to move a file from one location to another. This article will focus on the different methods of moving a file in Windows, from basic instructions to more advanced options. It will also compare the various approaches and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Basic Method for Moving a File in Windows
The most basic way to move a file in Windows is through File Explorer. To open File Explorer, either click the folder icon in the taskbar (Windows 7 and earlier) or type File Explorer in the search box in the taskbar (Windows 8 and later). Once File Explorer is opened, you can navigate to the source folder and select the file you want to move by clicking or tapping on it once. Then, go to the destination folder and right-click in an empty space. From the context menu, select “Move”. As long as the two folders are both located on the same hard disk, the file will be moved instantly.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows also allows you to move files using keyboard shortcuts. To do this, open up File Explorer, select the file you want to move, and press the Ctrl+X keys simultaneously. This will cut the file from its current location and place it into the clipboard. Next, navigate to the destination folder and press the Ctrl+V keys simultaneously. This will paste the file into the destination folder. If the two folders are located on different hard disks, you’ll need to copy the file instead (using Ctrl+C) and then paste it into the destination folder.

Using Drag and Drop
In addition to the above two methods, Windows also supports the drag-and-drop method of moving a file. To do this, open File Explorer and select the file you want to move. Then, press the left mouse button, keeping it pressed while dragging the file to the destination folder. Once the file is in the correct location, release the mouse button. The file will be moved, regardless of which hard disk the two folders are located on.

Using Command Prompt or PowerShell
For a more advanced option, Windows also allows you to use the Command Prompt or PowerShell to move files. To do this, open up the Command Prompt or PowerShell, then type the “move” command followed by the source file and the destination folder. For example, if you wanted to move a file named “example.txt” from the “C:\files” folder to the “D:\files” folder, you would type “move C:\files\example.txt D:\files” in the Command Prompt or PowerShell. This will move the file regardless of which hard disk the two folders are located on.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Approaches
The basic method of moving a file through File Explorer is easy to do and doesn’t require any additional software or knowledge. However, this approach is limited to moving files between folders located on the same hard disk.

Using keyboard shortcuts is also fairly simple and efficient, and can be used to move files between different hard disks. The main downside is that it can be awkward to remember the keyboard shortcuts and use them correctly.

Drag-and-drop is the easiest and most intuitive approach to moving files, and it works with folders located on different hard disks. The downside is that it can be slow when dealing with large files or multiple files at once.

Using the Command Prompt or PowerShell is the most advanced option and provides the most flexibility. It can be used to move files between different hard disks, and it can even be used to automate the file moving process. However, this approach requires knowledge of the command line, making it unsuitable for most users.

Moving a file in Windows can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the user’s needs and level of expertise. The basic method of File Explorer is suitable for most scenarios, but lacks the flexibility of other approaches. Keyboard shortcuts can be used to move files between different hard disks, but they can be awkward to remember. Drag-and-drop is the easiest and most intuitive approach, but can be slow with larger files. Finally, the Command Prompt or PowerShell can provide the most flexibility, but it requires knowledge of the command line.