What is the best way to delete files in Windows?

Windows File Deletion is an essential skill for any Windows user. When you delete a file, Windows will move the file to the Recycle Bin, where you can then empty it later if you don’t need it back. Even if you delete files in this way, however, they aren’t completely gone. If a malicious program were to scan through your hard drive or attempt to recover deleted files, these deleted files would still be recoverable.

For regular, everyday use, the standard way of deleting files is perfectly safe. But if you’re trying to delete sensitive data or want to make sure that no one can ever recover the deleted files, there are a few extra steps you’ll need to take. This guide will walk you through the best ways to delete files in Windows and ensure that your data is truly gone forever.

1. Empty the Recycle Bin
When you delete a file, it’s moved to the Recycle Bin, also known as the Trash folder. Windows automatically stores all of your deleted files in this folder, which allows you to easily retrieve them if you change your mind. However, it also means that your deleted files can easily be accessed by anyone with access to your computer. In order to make sure that your deleted files are truly gone, you’ll need to empty the Recycle Bin.

2. Use the Command Prompt
The Command Prompt can be used to delete files permanently. To do this, open the Command Prompt and type “del [filename]”. This will delete the file completely, and it won’t be accessible even through recovery software.

3. Use Third-Party Software
If you’re looking for a more secure way of deleting files, you can use third-party software, such as Eraser or CCleaner. These programs allow you to securely delete files beyond the scope of normal file deletion. They overwrite the data with random bytes, making the data unrecoverable.

4. Use File Shredder Utilities
File shredder utilities are designed to permanently delete files from your system. They will overwrite the original file with random bytes of data and make it virtually impossible to recover. This is the most secure way to delete files, and it’s recommended for anyone who’s dealing with sensitive data.

5. Format Your Hard Drive
If you’re really concerned about your data security, the most thorough option is to format your hard drive. This will delete all files on your drive and effectively erase all of your data. However, this is generally only recommended for extremely sensitive data, as it will make all of your files inaccessible, not just the ones you want to delete.

No matter which method you use to delete files, make sure you understand the process thoroughly. Otherwise, you could inadvertently put your data at risk. Always make sure that you’ve securely deleted all files before you send anything out or give away your computer.